Sunday, November 18, 2012

My one month plus hiatus...

On September 13 I took a picture but couldn't post it... but it helps explain ALOT of why I have not been able to keep up with my challenge.

This past week we started announcing our big news!

This sweet baby has decided to make my life a little more difficult than Alex did when he was inside...I have been sick from about week 6 and it has been way worse then the first time. It seems like it is starting to subside a little, but I still have my moments. So between becoming good friends with the toilet and spending the rest of my time chasing after Alex, and then still having to get all my work done, it has been a crazy couple of months.

I have also realized that having an IPhone totally changes the way I take pictures. It is pretty nice to have my phone, internet, and camera all rolled into one. Follow me on Instagram for regular picture updates @katyanachan.

My goal is to post a little more regularly on here, but life is just affording me the luxury of having the time to do that. We are headed to my sister's house for Thanksgiving, I am sure there will be lots of merry picture taking when we get the 4 cousins together.

Well, I need to go start some pancakes and wake my men up. Alex has been the weirdest sleeper, but he has been sleeping in more so that is good. I just wish he would sleep in his own bed!