About Us

The Plunkett Household is made up of...

Fall 2014

Will, the amazing husband and father who hangs out with Alex and Liam during the day and goes off to coach in the afternoon! He has coached JV football, Varsity basketball, and JV soccer. His cooking specialties include ice tea, thai food, and he has made a mean lasagna (now we just need him to repeat that!) This year he is starting his Masters in Education and, for the most part, enjoys that!

Katie, 1st grade teacher during the day, and mommy full time! She may have have a messy house (Alex is partially to blame for that!) but believes life is too short to waste all her precious moments at home cleaning so she enjoys playing with the boys, cooking, baking, and crafting! All great ways to relieve the stress of a busy day!

Alex, the rambunctious, three year old, spends his days unraveling the house as he explores the world around him. He loves playing with anything but his toys, eating us out of house and home, and following after us when we move around the house. He is quite a delight and we can't wait to see how he continues growing! He is also an amazing critic to the food we make!

Liam, the newest addition! At a year old, he has this family wrapped around his finger! His brother adores him and he knows how to turn on the charm to get his way! :) Good thing he is such a good kid to begin with! He is now our amazing eater, an avid crawler, and lover of all things to do with water!

Our recipes are not gourmet or extravagant, but they are quick and easy recipes made on a budget! Try one out and you will probably find a much better way to make it! We were getting tired of eating the same dinners over again, so we started the challenge of a new recipe everyday (almost) to keep life a little more exciting!

Fall 2013

Fall 2011

1 comment:

  1. I can't believe I haven't clicked on this page before. Your family portrait is so lovely, and Alex is so handsome!
