Sunday, December 9, 2012

Christmas time is here!

It has never taken me this long to decorate but life is just moving faster than I can keep up so it didn't happen until now. Nor was I feeling the Christmas spirit, but it is amazing how a little decorating can help that! It is so fun this year to have Alex help. He constantly said "whoa!" as he saw the ornaments come out of the boxes and the twinkling lights. We completed our night with a snowman pizza and watching a Thomas the tank winter special (because 2 year old boys don't appreciate their mothers taste in Christmas movies!)
One of the things that always gets me into the happy mood too is pulling out the ornaments. We have some normal ones but we have a lot that are special because they represent parts of our lives, memories, or were gifts. They come from many different countries. And while, this year, our tree might have some gaps of ornaments, the bottom one will shift often, and probably one or two will break, I am thankful for our little tree and what it means to us!

Ps. I am posting from my phone so have no idea what it looks like when posted, but since most of my photos are now taken on my phone I decided to try this to see if it would help me to post more often! ;)

so it turns out that the blogger app does not like having to publish pictures so that is not much fun when I am trying to do a picture a day!