Sunday, September 28, 2014

My Heart is Full...

Well, you know summer is over when I quit writing! I have not even been able to finish a book either! I have started several, but none have really captured me, so I have put them down. That is so not me, but time is precious and I really don't want to waste it on a book I don't want to read (I managed to do that several times this summer!)

The Lord has been so good to me these last months. It is such a privilege to READ His word, go to church and HEAR the word, and then to SEE his faithfulness unfold in front of me.
Its not been a big, resounding AHA moment, but rather so many little truths whispered to me when I need it.

Today's message on Mark 14:1-11 was the reminder I needed from Mary that Jesus is worth it all. The pastor commented on how we need to stop valuing this world. I can put so much emphasis on what other people think, or wishing I could give my kids more of what they want, but THAT doesn't matter. All across the world, believers are giving it ALL up for Jesus.

One of my favorite songs right now is Boldly I Approach by Rend Collective.
I'm posting all the words because they are so beautiful.

By grace alone somehow I stand
Where even angels fear to tread
Invited by redeeming love
Before the throne of God above
He pulls me close with nail-scarred hands
Into His everlasting arms

When condemnation grips my heart
And Satan tempts me to despair
I hear the voice that scatters fear
The Great I Am the Lord is here
Oh praise the One who fights for me
And shields my soul eternally

Boldly I approach Your throne
Blameless now I'm running home
By Your blood I come
Welcomed as Your own
Into the arms of majesty

Behold the bright and risen Son
More beauty than this world has known
I'm face to face with Love Himself
His perfect spotless righteousness
A thousand years, a thousand tongues
Are not enough to sing His praise

Boldly I approach Your throne
Blameless now I'm running home
By Your blood I come
Welcomed as Your own
Into the arms of majesty

This is the art of celebration
Knowing we're free from condemnation
Oh praise the One, praise the One
Who made an end to all my sin

Boldly I approach Your throne
Blameless now I'm running home
By Your blood I come
Welcomed as Your own
Into the arms of majesty

This weekend I was kind of beating myself up over some things... weaknesses that I was seeing in how I was communicating with my kids at home and school... I am a perfectionist, so when I see myself doing something wrong, I really get frustrated at myself and what other people think of me. What am I thinking? There is no way I can be perfect by myself. 
But, Hallelujah, I serve a God who FORGAVE me! And even when I will mess up and fail again, He will forgive me AGAIN because He loves me so much. (See also the song The Love of God, we sang that in church today too! Beautiful)

As I think about the song, I am also think about the moment when we will get to BOLDLY approach God's Throne. Can you imagine? My heart has been heavy these last weeks... my dad's father is not doing well. But this song reminds me of the JOY he will have that moment he gets to meet Jesus. My grandpa is such a great man of God. He stepped out in faith many times and has faithfully served the Lord. I know that he will be so happy to RUN into Jesus' arms and be welcomed.

As hard as it is thinking about it, and as many times as I will continue to fail and make mistakes, I can live life with the grace and assurance that Jesus will welcome me home.
So at the beginning of every day and then when it comes to a close, I hope that I can say:

I live for Jesus.

and it be true.