Thursday, July 3, 2014

Books 9 and 10

   9. Navigating Early: I had checked this book out during the school year, but never got a change to read it. I found it again at the library and knew I needed to read it! I loved Moon over Manifest. Navigating Early didn't disappoint either. I loved following the characters and the adventure they embarked on, each for their own reasons. As they navigated through their adventure, they learned so much about themselves and each other. I really look forward to reading this one day with my boys!

I started And the Mountains Echoed but I just couldn't read it. I love Khaled Hosseini but his other books were so sad on so many levels and I didn't feel like putting myself through that! I get so involved in books. :) So that one is shelved until a later date! In the meantime I couldn't find anything else I was in the mood to read and we were out of town and things were a little busy.

  10. Stay Where You Are and Then Leave:  This book popped out at me on display at the library. I don't get a lot of time to browse bookshelves for myself, so usually I pick random ones that interest me on display. I have to admit, I often judge a book by its cover. ;) (on a side note, after I looked at the front cover I realized why this book stood out... Oliver Jeffers did the cover illustrations!) The story is set in WW1 and the main character is a 9 year old boy who discovers his father is in a hospital because he has shell shock. Once I got started I had trouble putting this book down. It was another interesting perspective of how war affects families.

I laugh a little that the last 4-5 books I have been reading have been reading have male protagonists. I was worried for a while that I didn't know what books to read when the boys got older because my shelves were lined with a lot more "girly" stories. I mean, I love Anne of Green Gables, but I don't think that would be the first reading choice of Alex or Liam. I do often contemplate what our first read aloud chapter books will be... I still have a little while to figure that out!

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