Saturday, February 28, 2015


I always have plans to write more. But life happens. And I have been giving a little more attention to my teaching blog and the fun of that. Not that this isn't fun too, but you know... ;)

I thought at least I will check in once a month. Last month was the roller coast, but the Lord is faithful. He has continued to show that to us in the way He takes care of the little details.

Yet, why is it so hard to continue to trust Him?
This month I feel like in his faithfulness he is calling on us for a greater trust. We have begun giving him the things that hold us here, and other times he takes them from us. In the midst of it all it sometimes feels like madness. I question what is happening, our future.

I am a planner. I love calendars, planners, lists. I plan so I don't worry. So this month, there have been days of worry. Wondering what God has for us in the future. How will it all come together. Wondering if others think we are foolish in our decisions. Are we really following the Lord's leading.
But I hear the voice that says, trust me.

And then my mind wonders do I believe that what he has in store for us is wonderful and amazing. But what if it is not. What if life gets more difficult.
And then I remember again. Trust.

This verse in proverbs resonated with me last month, and it continues to be the verse that comes to mind as I think about the future. God has never said life would be easy, that everything would make sense, but he has always promised to be there. I can plan all I want to, but it is his way that will prevail. In my lack of plans I am looking to him more than ever. He will never leave us or forsake us.
So Trust me.

Last week as I was preparing for the 3 year olds sunday school class we teach, they were going to learn about Habbakuk. The trust that Habbakuk had to have in the midst of all the confusion and questions. We talked with the 3 year olds that even when things are going wrong we can remember: God is strong. God loves us. He listens when we pray. As I heard their little voices repeat it with me as we said it multiple times, I was struck with how simple it is to repeat, but do I always believe it like I should?

So as we continue to move (at an alarming pace) through 2015, we know that we can trust the Lord. He will establish his way in our life.

Psalm 20:7, Proverbs 3:5-6, Thessalonians

And, on a side note, for when worry still tries to sneak in listening to this CD has been a huge encouragement to me.

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