Monday, January 28, 2013

Revelation 7:9

Will has been able to visit Japan on several occasions, and each time he tells me how much his church reminds me of his in Italy. Which, when you think about it might seem a little strange when you think about how different the cultures are.
Japan: orderly, clean, technologically driven, on time, reserved, bows, rice, budhist
Italy: chaotic, loud, catholic, pasta, time: late is on time, personal space: none
In my operation world book the two countries are listed right next to each other (I think) and even though they are so different, there is one startling similarity. Both have less then 1% evangelical christians.

and that is why our churches are so the same. These people are truly family to each other. When they come together there is such wonderful fellowship because this is one of the places they have so much in common with others.

After the service, the kids started running around, the men set up chairs and tables, the ladies got busy fixing a meal (even though it was still too early for most italians to consider eating a meal!). It could have been my church in Japan. 

Christian fellowship is such a wonderful thing. I think it is easy to take it for granted in the States because we are often surrounded by other Christians in our workplaces, neighborhoods or schools. But so many countries in the world don't have that. I think there is so much we take for granted about church in the States. We have so many churches to choose from, so if they start asking too much of us we move on to another one that suits us so we don't have to get too involved. We need to stop taking for granted how blessed we are in the States.

Every time I am in a church overseas I get a taste of heaven. And it is one of my favorite things.

Rev. 7:9-10 After this I looked and there before me was a great multitude that no one could count, from every nation, tribe, people and language, standing before the throne and in front of the Lamb. They were wearing white robes and were holding palm branches in their hands. And they cried out in a loud voice:

“Salvation belongs to our God,who sits on the throne,and to the Lamb.”

Worshiping Jesus in multiple languages is such a beautiful thing. Last night they sang Shout to the Lord. I knew the song was familiar, but I couldn't place it through the first verse. I had been so long since I had sung it. Then when we got to the chorus I started singing it in Japanese :) and then they sang it in English one time and that is when I realized what song it was in English. 

People from every nation, tribe, and tongue will be in heaven worshiping Jesus. We need to take our blessings in the US and spread it around the world to make sure everyone has the opportunity to be able to worship Jesus. Because Heaven is really going to be so much more wonderful than anything here on earth.

1 comment:

  1. That verse was on my mind a week ago as we sang a hymn I only ever remembered singing in Japanese! Such a beautiful picture!
