Sunday, January 15, 2012

Side dish #21: Some good reads...

For Christmas Will got me a Kindle Touch. I wanted a good e-reader that was going to make it easier to read. Mind you I am not giving up the beauty of turning real pages, but when you have a rascal wandering the house who finds pages (turning or tearing them) very interesting, it is hard to leave a book out and feel that it is safe! Anyways, Merry Christmas to me, I got my Kindle and LOVE it! It has put me on a reading streak, which is kind of why I waited all week to do my recipes. When you have to choose one activity to do when there are many options but not enough time, you have to make some sacrifices!
Anyways, I have been able to read some fabulous books.

Starting with the second and third books in the Mysterious Benedict Society series. I had kind of given up on this series after the first book. I just didn't love, love it, but I actually enjoyed the second one more than the first and then the third was a good ending to the series. Four kids band together to solve mysteries and have to work together to solve the clues. They are fun to read.

Then I started The Book of Ember. I read it in a day. It is the story of a city underground, but the lights are starting to go out and the city is dying. The author really grabs you from the beginning and I had trouble putting my kindle down! I am reading the second book right now and can't wait to finish the series out with the last two books.

Check out the links below for more info!

I have to say, I love the fact that I can check books out of the library on my kindle! I do wish they had more of a selection, but I am definitely keeping busy with the books I am finding! All of my recent reads have been  library ones! Love that I can read a huge selection of book on my kindle without having to buy each book!


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