Thursday, June 20, 2013

Alex: the Library

I love the library and want my kiddos to love going to the library and choosing out new books! As much as I love buying books, checking them out of the library suits our budget a little better! Since summer has started, we go to the library on average twice a week, thanks to the numerous events at the library 
(that, as our storytime librarian points out, they pay for and we don't!)

Thankfully too, Alex has developed a love of reading that did not exist last summer, when, we would go to storytime occasionally, but I practically had to wrestle him to the ground to sit and listen to a story. 
Or it may have been that we had to sing:
Knock, Knock, who's at the door?
It's {insert name},{insert name}
Hello {insert name}...
for all 35 million kids (may be a slight exaggeration) there. Which took half of storytime, and if I was bored of it, I think my child was too!
But to my relief they have not done that at any of the storytimes this year! We have been to the family storytime and toddler storytime. I think we will continue the toddler storytime during the summer and then try to do the family storytime during the school year because it is on the weekend.
And now he enjoys the stories and songs a lot more...
 along with plastering his body with the little pictures they tape to the window! haha!

We always spend some time playing afterwards with puzzles or the huge stuffed animals.

This week was special because he earned his reading medal! I loved summer reading challenges growing up! Alex loves getting his medal! I had showed him his medal from last year, so he spent all morning pacing around with it, asking to go to storytime to get his medal!

Finally it was time! So he held on tight to his card
(which, they only have to read 25 times! it is pretty easy to get that much in no time at all!)

Then comes the impossible task of trying to get a picture of him with his newly earned medal!

He ran to the door yelling "storytime, storytime!" and plopped right down on the floor...
I wish he would sit this nicely the whole time! He usually ends up on my lap,
 (with me holding on to him because he sees other kids running around and wants to do the same!)

We went back the next day for a puppet show. Normally they might do one at the end, but they did about 3 or 4 puppet shows.
He yelled "puppet show" all around the house before we left, but was ready to go after the second show! haha! 

Storytime at our house tends to be a little bit more active 
(Alex  is a mover!) 
and with books that are completely geared towards his interests. 
(you won't find any digger or train books at the library...I am pretty sure we have them all!)
But we go to the library so he gets used to sitting, listening, etc. 
and of course it is nice to get out of house and have some fun mommy & Alex time! 

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