Sunday, September 4, 2011

Side Dish #6: Hanging Storage

I live in a small house so have to overcome my lack of space by using my wall space.
Thanks to Ikea I have been able to turn a pretty messy study room into a more efficient workspace for me...

not that it is any cleaner, but maybe more organized... I still need to put some cork boards I have in that empty wall space, but I love it! I love not having to put away my sewing machine because I need to set the table for dinner, and everything I need to sew, craft etc is right around me!

So, Last weekend, I decided that Will needed to get his coaching papers off of my dining room table and into a spot is still convenient for him. So I had just enough left over material from another wall pocket thing I had made to make him a little...your-paper-catch-all spot...
I cut out two rectangles, and then one little one for a pocket. I sewed the pocket on the front piece, then sewed the two main pieces together. I also sewed down the middle to make two main pockets, one for the notebook and one for other stuff... sew on some little loops to hang and you are done!
Easy afternoon project!

Yesterday I worked on the kitchen laundry bag I wanted to make for a while. It hangs perfectly behind the door, out of sight, but also makes those wet kitchen towels and such out of sight too! I had to do a little bit of adjustments to this one...I got the idea from my One Yard Wonders book, but theirs was really big so I wanted to shrink it a bit. Unfortunately the salad plate I used (instead of a dinner plate) made the hole a little too big...which of course I didn't realize until I had cut it out...
so I sewed a little addition to the bottom, sewed the sides together, added some hanging straps and finally, a way to get my kitchen laundry off of the kitchen counter! :)
Plus isn't this fabric so cheerful! I normally don't love yellow, but this was just to cute to pass I had a 50% off coupon...

Well, the last project for me for a while will be a sewing machine cover...oh and a bag. Then it is on to start on my list of Christmas presents! :) 

side note: There is a new One Yard Wonders book coming out in December! Check it out on Amazon here...just in time for Christmas! :)

1 comment:

  1. I want this room! I can't wait to see it in person someday. And I can't wait to benefit from your ready craft space. :) Hehe!
