Starbucks over there even had a frap with it mixed in! (AMAZING)
My mom found a recipe here and it was SO easy! You should go make some today! :)
You need:
2 cups brewed coffee
2 Tbsp sugar (more or less depending on how sweet you want it, 2 Tbsp was not very sweet, just enough!)
1 Tbsp gelatin (that is one packet in the Knox box)
4 Tbsp water
half and half (or whipped cream)
- mix the coffee and sugar in a sauce pan over medium heat.
- turn off heat just before it boils
- add 4 Tbsp water and gelatin, mix until gelatin has dissolved.
- add gelatin mixture to coffee and stir until dissolved.
- allow it to cool and then poor into little single serve dishes.
- allow to cool in fridge for several hours
- pour a little half and half on top then enjoy! (In Japan it comes with single serving cups of cream! :) )
My husband read this post yesterday morning on my Flipboard, and when we returned from church proceeded to make the jell-o. It was definitely unique! I would personally add more sugar the next time. Unlike my coffee, I usually prefer my jell-o to be sweet. Thanks for the idea!