My sister is an apron-loving kind of girl, so for her birthday and then for her daughter's birthday (back in FEBRUARY...yeah, i am kind of late!) I decided to make them some matching aprons!
For Mary's I copied my favorite that was from Japan. I loved how the straps criss-crossed so that if stayed up higher in the front.
I used bias tape to trim Mary's all the way around.
I used a small quick release clip as a fastener for the top, so they could adjust how long it was.
I meant to get pictures with them wearing it but forgot! :(
Fun times...although I realized I need to do all my gift projects in the summer because it gets really stressful trying to find time to work on them during the school year!
This has been my year for reading. I have realized I don't have time to read and craft so I have to pick one or the other!
I love these! On our way home, I told Eric I will need to have him take a picture of Lizzie and I in our aprons!