Monday, July 25, 2011

Recipe #48: The Perfect bowl of cereal

When I make a bowl of cereal, it has almost all of the food groups...

Our household LOVES cheerios (grains). I start with that, add some peanut butter (protein) on the side. Top it with some fruit (I like blueberries or bananas) Add the milk (dairy) and there you have it. A bowl of cereal that actually keeps you filled up! :)


  1. No joke, I was going to tell you on vacation that one of your recipes should be the perfect bowl of cereal. I always do bananas with cheerios and blueberries with shredded wheat. One time we were out of peanut butter so we had cheerios with nutella. Amazing! But not so healthy. ; )

  2. Those are some awesome looking blueberries in the cereal! My garden hasn't produced large ones, but at least they are tasty.

    I wonder if peanut butter is a family thing. My mother-in-law saw me add it to my cereal and exclaimed what a wonderful idea it was. That made me think (and realize) I don't know anybody else that does that.

    PS This is a great idea for a blog!

  3. These are actually blueberries we picked last year and froze!Everything I have tried to plant in the ground has been destroyed by these nasty bugs. I am a bit at my wits end!!
    That is funny, that PB must be a family thing! Will still thinks it rather strange...
